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Welcome to Marianna's Journey

Integrating Healing into Our Lives

Marianna's Journey was founded in 2020 by Marianna Efstathiou. The reason this is a 'journey' because whatever may be going on right now in your life is only temporary and it does not define you. This new journey of healing awaits and it is possible. I believe in you. 

MJ was made to be a community of self-healers while healing in only natural ways using yoga, meditation and essential oils as a guide. This community is safe, loving and full of gratitude and awareness of oneself and others. 

Let us heal together, grow together and share the tools that we have been given to heal and bring upon peace and love. 

With love and gratitude

Marianna x


"Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world."

Sri Ramana Maharshi

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